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Agenția Națională a Funcționarilor Publici
Promovăm PERFORMANȚA, punem în valoare OAMENII din serviciul public!


Promotion is the way of developing the career of civil servants.

- in professional grade: in professional grade immediately higher than the one held
- in class: after obtaining a diploma of higher level studies, in the specialty in which they carry out their activity or in an area considered useful for carrying out the activity by the head of the public authority or institution
- in a leading public office
- senior civil servant
- promotion in professional grade and promotion in class are not conditioned by the existence of a vacancy .
- the promotion in a public position of category to the high civil servants, as well as the promotion in a public position of management is conditioned by the existence of a vacancy.

         General information:  
· public authorities and institutions organize competition or examination, with the allocation in the allocated budgetary funds, by transforming the position occupied by the civil servant following the promotion of the competition or examination
· the record of the civil servant's post that promoted in the degree professional is supplemented with new duties and responsibilities or, as the case may be, by increasing the degree of complexity of the duties exercised
· if the civil servant who promoted, occupies a temporary vacant public position, the position occupied becomes until the date of termination of his service relations
· there are constituted commissions of competition, respectively commissions for solving the appeals, by administrative act of the head of the public authority or institution. The announcement regarding the competition or examination for promotion in professional grade is published at the place of the contest / examination and on the website of the public authority or organizing institution, at the section specially created for this purpose, at least 30 days before the established date for the written test.
· at least 3 years old in the professional rank of the civil service from which it promotes
· to have obtained a minimum number of credits by participating in training, seminars, conferences, exchanges of experience or study visits, according to the law or to have followed a form of professional training lasting at least 30 hours during the last 3 years of activity;
· at least the qualifier "good" when evaluating the individual performances in the last 2 years of activity;
· not to have a disciplinary sanction not addressed in the conditions provided by the Administrative Code
          General information: ·
· Public authorities or institutions may organize a promotion exam in the class for civil servants who fulfill the conditions provided by law, insofar as they consider that the transformation of the position occupied by the civil servant into a position with attributions corresponding to higher level studies is useful to the authority or institution public.
· Examination commissions are set up, by administrative act of the head of the public authority or institution.
The announcement regarding the competition or examination for promotion in professional grade is published at the place of the contest / examination and on the website of the public authority or organizing institution, at the section specially created for this purpose, at least 30 days before the established date for the written test.  
· Public authorities and institutions organize promotion exam in the classroom, with the budget funds allocated
· The position occupied by the civil servant was transformed as a result of passing the examination into a public execution function of a higher class, of professional assistant degree.
· Promotion in the classroom cannot be done on a public function by auditor or legal adviser.
· The job description of the civil servant who promoted in the class is supplemented with new tasks and responsibilities corresponding to higher level studies or, as the case may be, by increasing the degree of complexity of the duties exercised.
· If the civil servant who promoted, occupies a temporarily vacant civil service, the position occupied becomes until the date of termination of his service relations

· To obtain, after entering the civil servants' body, a diploma of higher level studies, in the specialty in which they carry out their activity or in an area considered useful for carrying out the activity by the head of the public authority or institution;
· Not to have a disciplinary sanction not radiated under the conditions provided by the Administrative Code

· to be appointed in a civil service function in class I;
· 5 years old in the specialty of the studies necessary for the exercise of the public function, for the occupancy of the public functions of head of office, head of service and general secretary of the commune, as well as of the specific public functions equivalent to them;
· 7 years old in the specialty of the studies necessary for the exercise of the public function, for the occupation of the public management position, other than the ones provided above
· to fulfil the study conditions, as well as the specific conditions necessary for the occupation of the public function;
· be graduates with a diploma of the master's degree studies in the field of public administration, management or in the specialty of the studies necessary to occupy the public position;
· not to have a disciplinary sanction not radiated under the conditions provided by the Administrative Code
· to have obtained a minimum number of credits by participating in training, improvement, seminars, conferences, exchanges of experience or study visits, according to the law , or have followed a form of professional training lasting at least 30 hours during the last 3 years of activity.
· the system of credits necessary for the promotion is regulated by Government decision, at the proposal of the National Agency of Civil Servants