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Agenția Națională a Funcționarilor Publici
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National Partners

Regarding the internal partners, the National Agency of Civil Servants cooperates with the following institutions: 

1. Public authorities and institutions. Through its mandate, NACS cooperates and grants specialized support to all institutions and authorities in the central, territorial and local public administration.

2. Trade unions and professional associations of civil servants. According to the provisions of the legislation in force, NACS is obliged to set for public debates the legislative proposals on civil service and civil servants and to organize debates on the themes of interest in its field of competence. Among the structures with which NACS frequently collaborates, there are: Association of Municipalities in Romania, Romanian Federation of Local Authorities, Association of County Secretaries in Romania, National Federation of Administration Trade Unions, Federation of Public Administration Trade Unions and Social Assistance PUBLISIND, Confederacy of Civil Servants Trade Unions - SEDLEX.

3. Civil society. NACS organizes debates and round tables on themes of interest for the civil society, such as: the amendment of the Civil Servants Statute, the rules of professional conduct, the remuneration of civil servants, support to the reform and fight against corruption at public administration level in Romania. NACS collaborates, among others, with: association “Assistance and Programs for Sustainable Development – Agenda 21”, Legal Resources Center, Freedom House Romania, “Amfiteatru” Foundation, Romanian Foundation for Visually Impaired Persons (FRPHV) “Friends of the Blind People”, Romanian Association for Recycling – RoRec. NACS also cooperates with the media, the most representative partners being Radio Romania, Romanian Magazine for Local Public Administration, National Portal of Administration  etc.

4. Academic sector: National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Academy of Economic Studies, University of Bucharest,  “Nicolae Titulescu” University, Christian University “Dimitrie Cantemir “


Links to public institutions and authorities:

Links to professional organizations and trade unions:

  • The Association of Municipalities in Romania:
  • The Romanian Federation of Local Authorities:
  • The Association of Towns in Romania:
  • The Confederacy of Civil Servants Trade Unions (SEDLEX):
  • The National Federation of Administration Trade Unions:
  • The Federation of Public Administration Trade Unions and Social Assistance PUBLISIND:  

Civil Society, NGOs:

Links to mass-media: